Friday, February 4, 2011

Question: Which do you think is a better roadmap of history artifacts of the humanities (art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc) or political/military conflicts? Why? (from Twitter)

Question:  Which do you think is a better roadmap of history artifacts of the humanities (art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc) or political/military conflicts? Why? (from Twitter)


I believe that historical artifacts such as art and literature are a better roadmap of history then political and military conflicts.  I believe this because although political and military conflicts give a pretty accurate description of what the economy or government is going through they don’t exactly dig deeper to learn about individual people.  An example of this is the caves in France.  The pictures on the walls help us to learn about the ancient people that lived in the caves because of the artwork.  Based on the pictures they seemed to idolize animals and hold them as sacred.  There aren’t even any records of politics or military conflicts dating back as long as the artwork found in the caves of France!  Historical artifacts such as art and literature have been around for so much longer than records of politics, providing a better roadmap of our history.  Art, literature, and philosophy help us to understand the individual people that have lived throughout history and some of the findings of these things have helped to shape our modern day art, etc.  War and politics definitely play an important role in our world but we don’t have many records dating back for a very long time ago.  War also deals a lot with conflicts between two large groups of people and doesn’t really tell you much about the individuals.  As you can see artifacts such as philosophy, literature, art, etc. are a better roadmap of history.


  1. I said the exact same thing! Art and literature give such a more open window to the world of history than wars.

  2. I said the same thing in my blog. Maybe you could've tied in the subject more with facts we learned in class.
